Friday 9 October 2009

Task 3: Why is the front cover so important?

What is the Editor’s main concern?
Why is the front cover so important?
How does the Editor make sure the Kerrang! cover appeals to the whole of its readership?
What are, typically, the ‘main sells’ (selling points) on a Kerrang! cover?
How can a cover-mounted CD affect sales?
What other ways does Kerrang! use to draw in and keep its readers?
What typically features on the cover of Mixmag and why?
What are the disadvantages of a cover mounted CD on every issue?
What are the two most important areas on a magazine front cover, and why is each one important?
What are the two things most magazines try to do on their cover?


Task 2: Audiences & Institutions

Many media publications are produced by multi-media companies for example Bauer (who recently bought EMAP).

Bauer is the company responsible for Kerrang, Q and Mojo. The company also publishes around another 150 magazine titles as well as ownership of 40 commercial radio stations (including Magic and Kiss FM) and 7 digital music TV channels (The Box, Hits).

Multi-media ownership has obvious implications for the production of music publications. The successes of Kerrang! and Q have resulted in offspring radio and TV channels.
IPC is another major player within the British publishing world. IPC Media’s magazine portfolio includes NME, Uncut, TV Times, Marie Claire, Loaded and Nuts.

Future Publishing is another leading music magazine production with a range that includes Metal Hammer, Classic Rock, Guitarist, DJ, Total Guitar and Computer Music. The company started out publishing computer-related magazine and has gradually expanded into other entertainment coverage including Total Film and SFX.

It is quite clear that IPC Media and Bauer dominate the magazines market in Britain. BBC magazines are also key players that incorporate magazine publishing with their radio and television output. Each conglomerate is able to use different media ‘arms’ of their company to promote their produce.

Task 1:

Research the following publishers:
IPC Media
BBC magazines
Development Hell

·Locate the official website of these companies and any related materials you can find on the internet
·Identify the key characteristics of the companies and their magazine profiles – what types of magazine do they produce (mainstream/niche)? Who makes up their target audiences? What is the brand image?

Are there any links between production of magazines and other media?

Task 2:

Use the internet to devise a profile of the music magazines produced by Future Publishing. Their specific music section identifies the range of magazines available and offers information on the contents of the latest edition of each one.

Write a detailed overview of these publications and note how music genres are addressed in their profile. Answer the following:

·What are the possible links between their music magazine portfolio?
·Are there any connections between publications that could be attractive to advertisers?
·How can their music magazines be used to promote their other entertainment publications and vice versa?


Monday 21 September 2009

Preliminary Task

Today you are going to create the front cover for a new college magazine. Your front cover will include:
  • a mid-shot of a student at the college
  • a title for the magazine
  • anchorage text
  • puffs
  • date

You will be using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to manipulate your images and arrange the elements on your page.

Task 1 - Representation of Jennifer Lopez

Compare the way that J-Lo is represented on the front cover of these magazines.

Your response should be posted to your blog by the deadline.


Introduction to Media Foundation Portfolio

Coursework is worth 50% of the final AS grade.

This is a coursework unit where you will produce two paired media artefacts. The chosen topic for this year will be music magazines. In your production work you will need to show progression from a pre-production task to a more fully realised piece.

The pre-production task involves you creating the front cover for a new college magazine including your own images. For those who have never studied media before this will help you to develop skills in media editing packages such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. You will also develop knowledge and understanding of the format and layout of magazines. For those of you who have studied media before (and may have already become a magazine expert!) this will give you the chance to refresh your skills.

The final production will involve producing a front cover, contents page and double page spread for a new music publication. You are expected to use at least 4 original images in your work.

There is of course plenty of written work to be done alongside the project and this will take the form of a blog.