Thursday 28 January 2010

Task 6: Proposal and Questionnaire

Before you start your questionnaire you should write a brief proposal for a magazine. Include the following information:
  • chosen genre
  • chosen audience (age, gender, interests, location)
  • why you think this type of magazine is needed (gap in the market)

You then need to create a questionnaire designed to find out as much useful information as possible. Remember that this is going to be a NEW magazine and so you need to find out exactly what your target audience wants. Some hints:

  • you already know who your target audience is so you don't need to ask questions like 'what is your age' or 'what is your gender'
  • closed questions are easier to analyse
  • if you are going to ask what price you should charge for the magazine make sure that you provide real options. For example don't say £1-£2, £2-£3 etc. What would I select if I wanted to pay 99p or £2? Do you see the problem?!

You can also use the blog to create surveys but make sure that you invite your audience to participate!

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