Thursday 4 March 2010

I want to start my magazine but I haven't got any images yet...what should I do?!

1. You can write the 1000 word feature article for your magazine. You can decide whether this will be a clear interview or a more in depth article with quotes from your artist. Make sure that you set the scene:
*where are you meeting them?
*what is the setting like?
*what is the atmosphere?
*what is the artists attitude/mood
*what have they been doing that day up until this point?
You article should aim to promote the artist so you need to ensure that your questions are interesting and revealing!

2. You can design the layout of your front cover and article. The feature article should be at least 3 pages long and include at least 4 images. For the front cover you can decide on colour themes, fonts and positioning.

3. You can start organising your photoshoot. Do you need to book the theatre and lighting? Do you need to book a camera? Do you need to e-mail people? Are you planning to shoot outside? Check the weather forecast! What costume will your artist wear? Do you need to provide costumes? What mise-en-scene will you select? What camera angles and shots will you use? Will all the images be posed or do you also want live action shots e.g. at a gig?

Good luck!

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