Monday 26 April 2010

Guide for Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms conventions of real media products?
· Use media terminology e.g. title block, central image, layout
· How did you stick to the typical layouts
· How did you challenge it? Why?
· Give specific examples

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
· Sub-cultures?
· Age groups
· Positive/negative
· A sense of belonging?
· Uses & Gratifications

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
· Name a company
· What other magazines do they publish
· Audiences
· Why?

Who would be the audience for your media product?
· Age, gender, interests, location
· Are they being catered for by other magazine? Gap in the market?
How did you attract/address your audience?
· Central image/mode of address
· Title block
· Colours/fonts
· Special offers

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
· Blogging
· Photoshop – list the skills you have developed

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
· Skills audit
· Construction of images?
· Understanding of layout conventions
· How to attract an audience?

Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation Questions (1000 words)

Your evaluation must answer the following questions:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

How did you attract/address your audience?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Level 4 - A Grade Marking Criteria for Research

Level 4 16–20 marks

*There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.

*There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.

*There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

*There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning

*Time management is excellent.

Level 4 - A Grade Criteria for the Production Work

Level 4 48–60 marks

There is evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

*framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;

*using a variety of shot distances as appropriate;

*shooting material appropriate to the task set;

*selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;

*manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing;

*accurately using language and register;

*appropriately integrating illustration and text;

*showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design;

*showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size;

*using ICT appropriately for the task set.

Regarding Final Deadline

Will be

Tuesday 4th May.

Monday 15 March 2010

Interim Deadline 2

Monday 29th March

The following MUST be on your blog:

  1. Analysis of 4 J-Lo front covers focusing on the way the images are constructed
  2. Research on Magazine publishers
  3. Analysis of 2 magazine front covers
  4. Analysis of 4 title blocks
  5. Magazine proposal and questionnaire
  6. Questionnaire results and conclusions
  7. Post your possible title block designs and ask people to vote
  8. Analysis of a contents page
  9. Analysis of a feature article
  10. Up to 1000 word feature article for your mag
  11. Detailed layout for your pages
  12. At least 10 photographs that you have taken for your magazine cover/contents/feature
  13. Edited image for front cover
  14. 1st draft design for your front cover
  15. Edited images for your contents pages
  16. 1st draft contents page

Remember that you should record all your planning too. This could include photographs of possible costumes, props, locations and settings. If you plan to use the theatre for your photoshoot you need to contact Mr Hitchenson in the music department.

Good luck!

Thursday 4 March 2010

Drafting of work

Please ensure that you post all your drafts. For example:
*page layout plans
*first draft with comments on how you will improve. I will also provide comments if you post this work.
*all good photographs that you take. You need evidence of your original images!

I want to start my magazine but I haven't got any images yet...what should I do?!

1. You can write the 1000 word feature article for your magazine. You can decide whether this will be a clear interview or a more in depth article with quotes from your artist. Make sure that you set the scene:
*where are you meeting them?
*what is the setting like?
*what is the atmosphere?
*what is the artists attitude/mood
*what have they been doing that day up until this point?
You article should aim to promote the artist so you need to ensure that your questions are interesting and revealing!

2. You can design the layout of your front cover and article. The feature article should be at least 3 pages long and include at least 4 images. For the front cover you can decide on colour themes, fonts and positioning.

3. You can start organising your photoshoot. Do you need to book the theatre and lighting? Do you need to book a camera? Do you need to e-mail people? Are you planning to shoot outside? Check the weather forecast! What costume will your artist wear? Do you need to provide costumes? What mise-en-scene will you select? What camera angles and shots will you use? Will all the images be posed or do you also want live action shots e.g. at a gig?

Good luck!

Thursday 25 February 2010

Analysing Magazine Articles

Use these questions to help you to analyse at least 2 magazine articles:

1) What does the choice of artist featured in the article suggest who the target audience will be?
2) What type of language is used in the article? Is the language used informal or does it have a more academic quality? How does this language appeal to the audience? Give examples of words or phrases which are specific to the style of the magazine.
3) What tone does the magazine use to address the reader (as a close friend, a member of an 'in' crowd or an informed intelligent fan?) - provide evidence
4) What style of text is used? Is it similar to any other pages? What does it say about the image of the magazine and the audience? How is the text arranged? How is the interview laid out? Are various entry points used and why?
5) How are the pages laid out? How much of the pages are taken up by images and how much by text? How does this reflect the audience? What do they value?
6) What tone is the magazine using when addressing the reader (as a close friend, a member of an 'in' crowd or an informed intelligent fan?) - provide evidence
7) How is the artist/band presented to the audience through the images? How is meaning achored through the caption? You may wish to carry out a textual analysis.
8) How does the style of the article match the style of the front cover? Is a house style being developed across all the pages you have analysed?
9) Does the article demand any prior knowledge? Give examples.

Monday 8 February 2010

Friday 5 February 2010

Task 9: Analysing Contents Pages

You should analyse a magazine contents page that relates to one of your front cover analysis e.g. NME cover and contents page:

1) Does the magazine use images? How have these image been constructed? How do they support your initial findings about the style of the magazine and its intended audience? How many images are there?

2) What colours and fonts are used? Does this support the style of the front cover? Is a house style being developed?

3) How is the information organised so that it is accessible to the audience? What are the different sections? What does this tell you about the magazine?

4) Are there any promotional features?

5) Is the magazine logo placed anywhere on the page? How dominant is it?
Does the brand have any other franchises? Are these promoted on the contents page?

Kerrang - Contents Page

MOJO - Contents Page

NME - Contents Page

Thursday 4 February 2010


All the work posted to this blog so far has to be completed by 3pm on Friday 12th February.
Any work posted after this date will not receive detailed feedback.
Please see me immediately if there is any reason you cannot meet this deadline (English trip is not a reason!).

Task 8: Choosing a Title Block

Now you have your results and have made some decisions about your magazine, you need to design the title block. Firstly you need to decide on a name for your magazine. You could set up a poll and invite the group to vote.
Then you need to design your font. is a really great website for this.
You will need to edit the image in Photoshop.
You could post a range of possible logos on your blog and ask people to vote again.

Good luck!

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Task 7: Analysing Questionnaire Results

You should by now have handed out your questionnaire to at least 10 members of your target audience.

Now you need to present your findings. As many of your questions were closed questions you should find it quite easy to convert your results into a bar or pie chart. You can do this in Excel and then post them onto your blog.

Once you have noted all your results you need to write up your findings and conclusions. This should form a strong basis for your production ideas.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Task 6: Proposal and Questionnaire

Before you start your questionnaire you should write a brief proposal for a magazine. Include the following information:
  • chosen genre
  • chosen audience (age, gender, interests, location)
  • why you think this type of magazine is needed (gap in the market)

You then need to create a questionnaire designed to find out as much useful information as possible. Remember that this is going to be a NEW magazine and so you need to find out exactly what your target audience wants. Some hints:

  • you already know who your target audience is so you don't need to ask questions like 'what is your age' or 'what is your gender'
  • closed questions are easier to analyse
  • if you are going to ask what price you should charge for the magazine make sure that you provide real options. For example don't say £1-£2, £2-£3 etc. What would I select if I wanted to pay 99p or £2? Do you see the problem?!

You can also use the blog to create surveys but make sure that you invite your audience to participate!

Thursday 14 January 2010


Task 4: Analysing Magazine Covers

Use these questions to analyse at least 2 magazine front covers:
What type of magazine is it?

From the front cover what kinds of issues/articles are going to be inside?

Who is the target audience for the magazine? What particular age group? What are their interests?

Look at the central image. What mode of address is the mag using?What does this tell you about the type of relationship it wants with its reader?

Who is on the front cover and why?

What does the anchorage text say? What does this imply about the artist?

What overall message is the artist giving?

Are any groups being represented? How does the magazine represent them?

Are there any ‘buzz’ words? What effect does it have on the reader?

What does the design of the title block tell you about the magazine?

What does the title of the magazine tell you about
1. the readership
2. its image
3. its style

What do the ‘puffs’ suggest will be inside the magazine? What does this tell you about the type of audience the magazine expects to get?

Is there a slogan? What does it tell you about the magazine? How does it help to attract readers?

What colours are used? What atmosphere is created?

What fonts are used and why?

What strategies does the magazine use to attract the audience?